Recommendations for kinky parties in Berlin

*****est Couple
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Recommendations for kinky parties in Berlin

We are coming to Berlin and we have 3 free nights - 17,18 and 19 october.

We have been in some parties but we are a bit begginners in it, so what would you suggest us and where we should go? We have attend to Berlin Young and Sexy Couple party and we kinda know what to wait from it..

But we havent decide for the Thursday and Friday evenings. Where would you go? And you can also tell, what the party will look like..

I cant say that we prefer.. we are up to everything, just its so hard to navigate in all those events.

Thanks for your advice *g*
*******7504 Man
10 Posts
Its the Venus weekend - search Venus Berlin for details of the adult sex fair. Thursday from 1400 - 2330 try Insomnia in Alt Tempelhof - its a very active party. Friday evening, possibly the Venus kick off party at Insomnia or Kit Kat Club.
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