Lick after cum - Do girls like that?

Lick after cum - Do girls like that?
I will love to know if girls like after a pussy cum someone to lick them 😊😊😊
Of course. They like that
I would love to watch it
*********ard12 Man
68 Posts
Mixed experience. Some like it. Some not. Infact some dont like licking at all. I was disappointed. As I like licking very much
I can’t speak for girls. I can speak for the woman that I am. I certainly like it.

Some women may not like licking because of the idiot that that made her feel bad about herself.

Dive in like it’s the tastiest buffet your starving ass has ever been to.
What a weird thread this is... "girls" are asked, men and one woman answer... *zwinker*

I was a girl, eons ago. Now as a woman I can say:
Quote from *****sax:
Of course. They like that
No, "they" don't. Maybe some do.

Quote from ****019:
I would love to watch it
Oh my. What was the question, again?

Quote from *********ard12:
Some like it. Some not.
The most logical conclusion. What else would you expect?

Quote from *********ard12:
I was disappointed. As I like licking very much
Must be very sad for you. Yet, it's in your hands to change that. But I think it's better to not elaborate this right here...

Personally, I prefer other things after Mr. ZeeTee came in me...
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