Live painting erotic

*******ion Man
7 Posts
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Live painting erotic
I have this fantasy of painting/sketching a lady in an erotic theme. I have been to many nude figure modelling sessions and painted, but erotic is something I haven't tried. I have been wanting to. I wonder if this is something a woman would fancy. This is an intimate activity so I don't expect a public event etc where erotic figure art is made. I am just curious if such events activities exist in Germany. I have no financial interest even with the paintings.
*****uja Woman
2,469 Posts
I think this is an interesting idea! here in JC there are so many hobby photographers who make photos of erotic scenes with single persons or couples. So why shouldn’t it be possible to make erotic paintings?

Another kind of an erotic painting, in a certain way, was body painting that I have experienced.

What kind of scenes or motives do you imagine more precisely?
*****ple Couple
73 Posts
Erotic art is very popular within many mediums, for artists and models alike and if you have a a reputation of trust and a body of work to present, you would find women who are interested.

Good luck with it.

*******ion Man
7 Posts
Thread creator 
Hello Maracuja,

I have done some erotic photography of a friend, in the past. Even though we had some theme in mind, the ideas evolved during the session. I fancy painting a woman touching herself. But my focus would be her body language, showing her intensity. As for the scene, I am a fan of sunlight through window that highlights the model's profiles, casting hard shadows. These shadows can add to the drama. Here are some paintings I made:
**********aison Man
372 Posts
I think it would be exciting. I do photography, but I am an illustrator too.

I know in most big cities there are nude art classes. But if you are looking for something more intimate then you have to look for the right people.

Could be fun if any lady or couple wants to try sometime in NRW.
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