Chemistry, feeling, and affinities.

******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Chemistry, feeling, and affinities.
How much is important have chemistry, good feeling abd share things in common between two people in a relationship, and in a phisical meeting too?
*******ins Man
12 Posts
Depends on the individual traits. F
Personally for me, physical intimacy is a pleasure when there is some connect and appreciation between two individuals. Meaningless sex is good for body, but doesn’t quench the soul.
******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from ******a19:
Chemistry, feeling, and affinities.
How much is important have chemistry, good feeling abd share things in common between two people in a relationship, and in a phisical meeting too?
Quote from *******ins:
Depends on the individual traits. F
Personally for me, physical intimacy is a pleasure when there is some connect and appreciation between two individuals. Meaningless sex is good for body, but doesn’t quench the soul.
Yes, i do agree with you totally of it. I think it's important to find the right menthal and phisical connection together.
*****d79 Couple
542 Posts
Chemistry is very important for us.
We are not looking for love, but we need to like the others. Humour and intelligence is always the first connection Mrs Meland finds that sexy. Being able to talk and find common areas helps the connection and leads to fun and Passion.
The personality is more important for us than a six pack, BD or big breasts and long legs
******a20 Man
12 Posts
Yes, chemistry in terms of understanding each other, caring about other etc
*****ple Couple
73 Posts
We share the same view as @*****d79

We’re in this lifestyle to have great experiences and without great chemistry between people, there’s not much to work with.

Chemistry is paramount for us and from our own experience, it helps create trust and is the main reason we prefer no expectation first dates.
Chemistry ist helping to build a positive relationship faster, but it is not necessarily required for fulfilling sex. As long as you respect each other, you still can have joyful sex with her/him.
One of the most interesting experiences in my life were created by a girl I disliked, and vice versa. But we respected each other. This caused an interesting energy between us, confusing for some time, but with a “positive outcome” for both of us. This developed into an affair for some time.
Chemistry is important for me in all aspects - even for a one-and-done.
For me its very important to have good chemistry, no matter if its for short term , just physical or long term :).. SEX is all about brain
******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from *******Lady:
Chemistry is important for me in all aspects - even for a one-and-done.
Yes i do agree with you. It's important to have the right chemistry.
Sex without chemistry is the worst we can imagine. We have never been into one night stands or other superficial encounters. "Physical" only may work for some people, but definitely not for us.

When it comes to relationships, common grounds have always been mandatory for us, even before we met. The more shared interests, hobbies, life goals, inner and outer attitude (and so much more), the more enriching, loving, caring and also sexually satisfying and fulfilling things can be - as long as there is an honest and open communication and love.

We do understand and live sex as a love language; our sexual encounters are getting better and better, like a high quality wine. There are no words to describe this, especially not when trying to explain this to ppl who are into superficial, "physical" encounters only. We even dare say that the will never know what they miss... *zwinker*
******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from ****ee:
Sex without chemistry is the worst we can imagine. We have never been into one night stands or other superficial encounters. "Physical" only may work for some people, but definitely not for us.

When it comes to relationships, common grounds have always been mandatory for us, even before we met. The more shared interests, hobbies, life goals, inner and outer attitude (and so much more), the more enriching, loving, caring and also sexually satisfying and fulfilling things can be - as long as there is an honest and open communication and love.

We do understand and live sex as a love language; our sexual encounters are getting better and better, like a high quality wine. There are no words to describe this, especially not when trying to explain this to ppl who are into superficial, "physical" encounters only. We even dare say that the will never know what they miss... *zwinker*
I i do agree with me. It's the most important thing to have chemistry with someone and feel in deep levels of sensations and of emotions. That it's for build something of solid and enriches at the same time. In the opposte I am not interested in one night stand, i dislike that, and it's sleazy for me,and waste of time.
*******ds77 Man
4,987 Posts
I think chemistry betwenn two persons attracting eachother is very important. I say ones Soul finds the other Soul and that Comes to a nice result….
******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from ******a19:
Quote from ****ee:
Sex without chemistry is the worst we can imagine. We have never been into one night stands or other superficial encounters. "Physical" only may work for some people, but definitely not for us.

When it comes to relationships, common grounds have always been mandatory for us, even before we met. The more shared interests, hobbies, life goals, inner and outer attitude (and so much more), the more enriching, loving, caring and also sexually satisfying and fulfilling things can be - as long as there is an honest and open communication and love.

We do understand and live sex as a love language; our sexual encounters are getting better and better, like a high quality wine. There are no words to describe this, especially not when trying to explain this to ppl who are into superficial, "physical" encounters only. We even dare say that the will never know what they miss... *zwinker*
I i do agree with you. It's the most important thing to have chemistry with someone and feel in deep levels of sensations and of emotions. That it's for build something of solid and enriches at the same time. In the opposte I am not interested in one night stand, i dislike that, and it's sleazy for me,and waste of time.

******a19 Woman
381 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from ******a19:
Quote from ****ee:
Sex without chemistry is the worst we can imagine. We have never been into one night stands or other superficial encounters. "Physical" only may work for some people, but definitely not for us.

When it comes to relationships, common grounds have always been mandatory for us, even before we met. The more shared interests, hobbies, life goals, inner and outer attitude (and so much more), the more enriching, loving, caring and also sexually satisfying and fulfilling things can be - as long as there is an honest and open communication and love.

We do understand and live sex as a love language; our sexual encounters are getting better and better, like a high quality wine. There are no words to describe this, especially not when trying to explain this to ppl who are into superficial, "physical" encounters only. We even dare say that the will never know what they miss... *zwinker*
I i do agree with you. It's the most important thing to have chemistry with someone and feel in deep levels of sensations and of emotions. That it's for build something of solid and enriches at the same time. In the opposte I am not interested in one night stand, i dislike that, and it's sleazy for me,and waste of time.

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