Delightful: Which rituals sweeten your life?

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Delightful: Which rituals sweeten your life?
Delightful: Which rituals sweeten your life?

In our office, the occasional walk to your favourite pastry chef is part of a cherished ritual that satisfies the sweet tooth. *muffin*

I want to know about you:

What rituals do you enjoy? In between in everyday life or also for relaxation when you have more time for yourself? Maybe the cup of *tee* in the afternoon, the relaxing bath at the weekend or the morning *kaffee* to start the day?

Are there any pictures of it? Then show them! *victory*

Kind regards
I really enjoy running at 5 am in the morning! Breathing the fresh air in the early hours of the day and then taking a hot shower which will be followed by a freezing cold shower. This has become my morning ritual. It simply gives me so much pleasure and makes me absolutely relaxed. I also enjoy giving myself some cups of cappuccino during the day, writing down my thoughts and ideas and reading something which could put me in a great state of mind. Goethe said it beautifully; "One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
Saturday morning run. Alone in the woods.

Afternoon latte flirting with the coffee guy who I fondly refer to as my coffee boyfriend.

A glass of wine Friday night after a long work week.

Popping in the tunes when I jump on the Ubahn after work. Rage Against the Machine or some deep house minimal.

Waking up at 4am and reading while listening to the bird outside my window.
Morning coffee while enjoying nature...walking the dog and reading a book
Sometimes touching myself *g* or otherwise showing love and make someone happy *happy*
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