What the woman love at first meet?

What the woman love at first meet?
Good morning everybodi.
I ask the all woman population here what is the best fir them at first meeting eye to eye? 🤔
Be yourself and don’t play an act. Be honest and open, don’t hide anything important.

Of course there are many factors that may be important, depending on how, where and when you met under which circumstances and what your plans are.

Mr. ZeeTee only was honestly himself and caught me from the first moment we met in person - like no one else before, I was a bit more shallow with men before we met and I hope I’ll never have to go back there.
Be a gentleman....and be smart
For me showing up is important and perhaps impossible at the moment. My dates seem to cancel. *zwinker*
****eee Couple
539 Posts
For her:
Being shy, very cautios and a little awkward or easily embarassed. For men, that is. With women she doesn't mind them being forward and very sexual.
Meinen freundin und mich suchen frau for a erste *ffm*.... Frau frum Ludwigsjafen ind kreis 50km interesiert?
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