Clubs or home visit?

******an3 Man
56 Posts
Thread creator 
Clubs or home visit?
Ar u prefer club visit or home visit
*****d79 Couple
542 Posts
Different dynamics and different experience.
We have tried both and like both.
********ul_2 Couple
7 Posts
We enjoy club visits, no expectations to play but if we do find partners to play with then great.
We are looking forward to visiting a club in Berlin when we visit if February.
*********speed Man
6 Posts
I've been to several clubs and they are fun, but I prefer to just meet people and get to know new people there. For playing, I like long, all night parties at private locations. *zwinker*
Quote from *****d79:
Different dynamics and different experience.
We have tried both and like both.

I agree but on private grounds there has to have some trust , as i grew up in NYC there all types of weird situations. As i always say chemistry is he key
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