Do you think a novice cucki should be trained?

***Pt Man
16 Posts
Thread creator 
Do you think a novice cucki should be trained?
Do you think a novice cucki should be trained?
Should an experienced dominant bull work with him separately from his wife?
**********marix Man
4 Posts
I think an “on the job training” would be enough, without the need for any separate prep sessions!! :-))
*********thing Man
31 Posts
I don't know what you mean by "trained". In my conversations with cucks...both usually starts with sharing your partner (MFM or FMF) and that transitions into wanting to watch. Then eventually you both want the experience of her being taken while you have no control and can only watch.

Maybe that helps? *shrug*
*****ife Man
5 Posts
for sure should be trained, and usually cuckold couples should have regular permanent bull
**C Man
12,061 Posts

...are you applying for a job...? *g*
*****ife Man
5 Posts
Job as bull?
***Pt Man
16 Posts
Thread creator 
My job is a cucki😂
*****ife Man
5 Posts
and my job is bull
do you have a bull?
***Pt Man
16 Posts
Thread creator 
Yes of course
We have a bull
Bulls 😜
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