Swingers club Munich for english speaking couple?

****ra Couple
12 Posts
Thread creator 
Swingers club Munich for english speaking couple?
We will be in Munich for a weekend and would like to hear which is the best club to go to for a couple that is only English speaking and in their 50s. Any recommendations? Thank you in advance
******Mix Couple
79 Posts
You ll be fine. Just take your time and suss the place out . A lot of interaction is through respectful touch based on the room that you are in . Most Germans speak English...perhaps not with a Yorkshire accent but you will be fine. Have fun .
*****ugs Couple
7 Posts
Which weekend will you be here for? Our guy works at Extasia and as you can tell, speaks English.

I very happily show our English speaking guests around. I'd say per 50 sign ups i get 1 couple that chooses to speak English at the door. Then as the person above suggested, most Germans speak English anyway.

****ra Couple
12 Posts
Thread creator 
Thanks, we plan to be the weekend of the 27 and 28 January. We I’ll check the website of Extasia 😊
*******dell Man
1 Posts
I have visited some clubs in the Munich area a few years back. There hasn’t been any language problems even if I wish I spoke German… 👍 The clubs I visited are unfortunately closed now. The one I liked best was Schloss Amour or a similar name. Great place!
Hey good folks. Recently got introduced to the amazing club scene in Berlin and enjoyed it a lot. As i visit Berlin on regular basis, want to find out are there any clubs where English speaking guests are allowed? Also, which clubs/groups are open to include a single man? Looking forward to making some new connections and become a regular in Berlin and London.
*****ugs Couple
7 Posts
English guests are not allowed in Munich clubs.

I'm kidding. Regardless of where you're from, clubs are happy to have you. Every club here in Munich has different themed parties, so its nore important to check the event details than to go to a specific club. HÜ, GB or general parties that allow males will let you in if you sign up and follow dress code.
Haha..oh dann sollte ich mein deutsch üben
Will surely follow your advise and join the clubs. If there are any you think worth, please do let me know. Danke
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