Anything really happens in the clubs?

****ic Man
2 Posts
Thread creator 
Anything really happens in the clubs?
Hey, there really an action happens in the clubs that are advertising on joy clubb? For ex. Bib bamboo, Koblenz?
Do you recommend the new comer get any?
*******brat Woman
1,238 Posts
All the events advertised actually take place, unless something really unusual happens. We do have a look at which clubs the JOYclub partners with and you can see the seals of approval or star ratings on their site. So there will be a party if you show up, of course it is also up to you, what you do with your time there.
As a new comer I can recommend giving it a try, but manage your expectations. Like go there with the intent to figuring out the place and having a nice evening. Of course play can happen, but it is not garanteed. Talk to people also, get to know the scene a little.
*******_84 Man
54 Posts
In my experience, as long as you are clean and respectful (and clean!), you should have a good time.
*********tle3 Man
8 Posts
At least in Switzerland are correct.
******902 Man
66 Posts
Yes. I've been to several events in the Stuttgart & Heilbronn area and there is fun to be had. As a single male, I am always respectful though and don't force anything.
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