How do you stay fit and healthy?

******bbc Man
87 Posts
Thread creator 
How do you stay fit and healthy?
Hiw do you stay fit and healthy?

For myself, I have 2 secrets: workout and sex. I am not a gym rat but I workout enough to stay healthy and fit. In addition, I think working out help with endurance.
I also enjoy sex a lot. An hour intercourse is equivalent of 30 min mid workout. So do I have 2 secrets or just one? After all, sex is a workout by itself.

What is your secret?
*******rry Man
15 Posts
Be disciplined
Be consistent
The days you don't want to workout are the most important days to work out.
Be your own harshest critic and your own most enthusiastic motivator.
*********life Woman
195 Posts
There is a meme for that.

Walking is good.
fighting is better.
Fucking is best.
******bbc Man
87 Posts
Thread creator 
Damn right. I would love to see that meme 🤣
*****ple Couple
73 Posts
For me it’s eating clean, sport 3 and the gym….that being said, I do like @*********life ‘s regime. *lach* good one!
********s_69 Man
5 Posts
I Workout to make sure I sweat a lot because of what we eat when I do deadlift I can sweet Princess the time I wan sleep well waken up fresh , u don’t get problem with clothes & makes your lover feel safe and proud of you health 1
Céline Manon & Anna Scheer
7 Posts
My secret is my morning routine of yoga, sometimes self-pleasuring and being alive with all my body and spirit. I use breathing techniques, do acro yoga whenever I can, jog and just love hiking and being in nature. I have a string core and I do believe cycling sexual energy keeps the body and spirit juvenated.
Loving life and being alive and passionate about what I do keeps me fit *zwinker*
******bbc Man
87 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from *********erds:
My secret is my morning routine of yoga, sometimes self-pleasuring and being alive with all my body and spirit. I use breathing techniques, do acro yoga whenever I can, jog and just love hiking and being in nature. I have a string core and I do believe cycling sexual energy keeps the body and spirit juvenated.
Loving life and being alive and passionate about what I do keeps me fit ;)

I hear a lot about Yoga lately. I gotta try it.
I like your morning routine ... with a lil of self pleasuring 😋. Atta girl 💦
*******nna Woman
144 Posts
A lot just by myself in my living room, but also 1,5 hrs/wk of tap dance training.

Yoga: both at home by myself and on the mat in the studio w/ a teacher. Regular yoga camps, too. Mostly Ashtanga and Vinyasa, I prefer the dynamic styles.

Pilates: via Zoom, 1 hr/wk

Dog walks: 1-2 hrs daily (my tracking app lists that under "jogging" as I'm a fast walker, yet a lot slower than the dogs ;-))

And I live in a three-storey house plus basement, so up and down those stairs is workout, too.
******bbc Man
87 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from *******nna:
A lot just by myself in my living room, but also 1,5 hrs/wk of tap dance training.

Yoga: both at home by myself and on the mat in the studio w/ a teacher. Regular yoga camps, too. Mostly Ashtanga and Vinyasa, I prefer the dynamic styles.

Pilates: via Zoom, 1 hr/wk

Dog walks: 1-2 hrs daily (my tracking app lists that under "jogging" as I'm a fast walker, yet a lot slower than the dogs ;-))

And I live in a three-storey house plus basement, so up and down those stairs is workout, too.

Wow. You definitely stay active.
Up and down a three-story house is a great workout for a nice, round, and firm butt.

I need to try Yoga. I heard it ain't as easy as people think
*****e_2 Couple
22 Posts
Eat healthy (non-processed foods, preferably low-carb)
Exercise (muscle-focused but even just walking is good)
Sleep (7 to 8 hours)
***51 Man
53 Posts
Ich schwöre auch auf Bewegung und achtsame Ernährung. Bewegung ist wichtig für eine gute Durchblutung und die ist unersetzlich für das Wohlbefinden. Bei der Ernährung achte ich auf einen hohen Anteil an Rohkost und sonstigen Ballaststoffen (Obst, Gemüse, Haferflocken, Vollkornprodukte, ..) und wenig Leichtlösliches (Zucker, Salze, Alkohol) und wenig Eiweiß. Eiweiß wird nämlich im Körper in Aminosäuren (sind auch leichtlöslich) gespalten und ein Zuviel von Leichtlöslichem führt zu Bluthochdruck, der ja schädlich für Herz, Nieren und Augen ist. Ballaststoffe und viel Flüssigkeit regen die Darmtätigkeit an.
Habt keine Bedenken, wenn ihr mehrmals am Tag Stuhlgang habt (habe ich auch und der Internist, den deswegen zwecks Darmspiegelung aufsuchte, gratulierte mir zu meinem Darm - "wie ein Zwanzigjähriger"
Mein Lieblingssalat: 1 Karotte fein raspeln, eine rote Rübe und einen Apfel grob raspeln, vermischen, mit viel Maiskeimöl und wenig Essig marinieren
*******ree Man
259 Posts
Are there still any secrets on this matter? All I do is pretty well known.
-I eat a lot of fresh vegetables, as I am a vegetarian.
-I stay away from drugs as good as I can. (Works 90% of the time.) Chemicals are a no-go for me. I drink maybe once or twice a year. I do this to give my body a chance to adapt to my training instead of just keeping it busy handling all the drugs.
-I do not own a car and walk everywhere because it is the healthiest and most natural form of movement. I avoid huge streets whenever I can because of the fumes.
-I try to sleep at least seven hours a night.
-I try to get fresh air at least once a day and enjoy the sun – at least in winter, spring and autumn.
-I do not trust supplements or any other form of performance-enhancing substance.
-I train five days a week. The only exceptions are when I get sick or am on vacation.
-I do not care the least for mass, since I consider too much weight harmful for the joints and a person's fighting capabilities to some extent. Instead of mass, I focus on speed, flexibility and endurance.
-I hit hard objects with my fists, arms, elbows, feet, lower legs and knees to harden those parts. (Yeah... I am a martial-arts-crazy weirdo. :D)

But just to be perfectly clear about it, I mainly do those things because they suit my personal lifestyle and not so much because they keep me healthy. Healthiness is more of a side effect for me.
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