Screenshot 14.03.19

The Windmill Theatre

W1D London, Reino Unido

The Windmill Theatre

London, Reino Unido
Club de intercambio de parejas


Screenshot 14.03.19

Service-Entry JOYclub

Windmill International was the first London theatre to feature fully nude dancers and stage performances, and since then it has become a UK landmark and one of the world’s most exciting gentlemen’s clubs.

The Windmill takes pride in astounding its visitors and keeping them entertained all night long. A night at The Windmill would be nothing without our mesmerising dancers (the Windmill girls), and watching them perform in the most enticing and alluring shows in the whole of London. Our Windmill girls are world famous for being the most stunning dancers and showgirls, and they come to entertain you here from across the globe – from Brazil, to Europe, to Asia, and now to London.


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The Windmill Theatre
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17 - 19 Great Windmill Street
W1D London, Reino Unido
020 7439 3558

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21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00

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The Windmill Theatre

London, Reino Unido
Club de intercambio de parejas
Club de intercambio de parejas
8x Me gusta
1.293 Visitas