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Wet Playground

Barcelona, Espanha

Wet Playground

Barcelona, Espanha


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We organise kinky/fetish events in EU for more than 2 years now for single girls, single boys, couples and LGBTQIA+ community

Discover Desires: Your Disneyland for Adults!

Our team is passionate about creating safe, inclusive, and welcoming spaces where you can explore your s*xuality and kinks in a supportive environment. Our events are open to people of all experience levels, from curious beginners to experienced kinksters.

We understand that exploring kinks and fetishes can be a personal journey, and we respect everyone's boundaries and preferences. Our events feature a variety of activities, including parties, performances, and shows, designed to help you connect with other like-minded individuals and explore your desires in a safe and respectful environment.

So, if you're ready to explore your kinks and fetishes in a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment, join us at our next event. We promise an unforgettable experience that will leave you wanting more!

***I always attach here photos from every our event because we always have professional photographer there so please follow me for more and more photos regularly. You will see the whole atmosphere of our parties through my profile!!

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Wet Playground
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Barcelona, Espanha

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Wet Playground

Barcelona, Espanha
Membro verificado
5.0 de 5
1 avaliação
47x curtida(s)
886 visitantes