Heathrow AbFab

UB7 0BT Heathrow Villages, VK

Heathrow AbFab

Heathrow Villages, VK


Service-Entry JOYclub

You and your friends are invited to Heathrow Kestrel mixed gender adult naturist spa which is located near Heathrow Airport. The venue, which has a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, is a naturist spa for those who prefer not to wear clothes whilst enjoying the full benefits and pleasures of a steam room, a heated swimming pool, hot-tubs, relaxation rooms and a TV room. We welcome regular members and new members. The website is updated regularly to inform guests of future events at the spa. As most of the fun in the spa involves getting wet, we provide towels and lockers to keep your belongings safe (refundable deposit of £5). However, we do advise you to bring some form of footwear to walk around the venue, i.e. flip flops, and a towelling robe if you prefer. Heathrow Kestrel opening hours may vary from summer to winter, so please refer to our website for current timetable of hours and events.

Copyright: http://www.heathrowabfab.co.uk

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Grootte20000 square feet m²
Ruimte voor250 Personen
Afsluitbare kamerDansvloerMassageruimteStellenruimteZwembadWhirlpool
Heathrow AbFab
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Kaart openen
422 Bath Road
UB7 0BT Heathrow Villages, VK

Openingstijden Heathrow AbFab

11:00–18:00 11:00–18:00 11:00–18:00 11:00–20:00 11:00–20:00 11:00–20:00 11:00–18:00

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Heathrow AbFab

Heathrow Villages, VK