It's springtide: Welcome the spring sun!

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It has been surrounding us for almost a month now: spring. And it slowly shows its sunny side.

As every year, we come out of our winter dreariness, successively discard the onion-like cloth shells and transform ourselves into sun worshippers. Lens flare and sunlight appear more and more on the pictures and color these in orange-golden light.

We all celebrate the sun in different ways: barbecuing, sunbathing on the balcony, walking through the spring forest, reading at the window, skinny-dipping in the lake - some with the same ritual every year, others differently every year.

The task is simple:
Let's reminisce, welcome the sun, and greet the spring: whether hot or humid, naked or in a bowl - show us how you welcome the spring sun.

Don't forget filters for mature content when it gets too hot even for the sun.

You can upload up to 3 pictures.
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