Saturday, 30 March 2024 - from 19:00
Local time

Staldenhof 3
6014 Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland

40 people registered

Bookmarked 22 times


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Nur Paare (w/m) und Singledamen anwesend ab 19uhr.
Der Paarabend in Littau ist ab sofort jeden letzten Samstag im Monat!
Einlass nur für Paare (w/m) und Singledamen zum Hammerpreis von CHF 43.00! *schock*
(Die Ladys bezahlen keinen Eintritt)

Von 11:00-19:00 findet der normale Betrieb statt. *mmf* *party*

(Die Singleherren werden um 19uhr raus gebeten)

Wir freuen uns Euch Paare und Frauen begrüssen zu dürfen und dies ab sofort JEDEN LETZTEN SAMSTAG IM MONAT!

Additional dates:

Target group

Paare (w/m) und Singleladys


Without registrationWith registration
on JOYclub
For Premium
Couple:CHF 43.00CHF 43.00CHF 43.00
The registration deadline has passed. No further registrations are possible.
Guest list (40)

NOTE: The respective organiser is solely responsible for the event. Data and content are based on information provided by the organiser without guarantee of accuracy and completeness. Additional costs may be incurred for the full use of all services.

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Curious about who’s coming?

JOYclub members can see exactly who will be attending events from the guest list.

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erotikteam 31. March
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