
Nude party

Nude party

Thursday, 30 May 2024 - from 21:00
Local time

Vršovické náměstí 4
100 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Prague, Czechia

0 people registered

Bookmarked 2 times


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Máte rádi nahotu či rádi ukazujete své tělo? Nebo rádi ukazujete jak krásnou partnerku máte? Pak je tato párty určená pro vás.
Doporučené oblečení pro ženy je nahota a k tomu hezké boty na podpatku.
Pro muže doporučujeme společenské kalhoty, košili, kravatu či motýlka.

Vstupné :

Pár 500 KČ

V případě , že se dáma bude po celou návštěvu pohybovat zcela nahá (jen podpatky jsou dovoleny) , odečte se od konzumačního lístku celé vstupné , tedy 500kč. Má tím pádem vstupné zdarma.

Samotný muž 700 Kč ( Při příchodu do 22.00 v doporučeném oblečení lze 200 KČ ze vstupného propít)

Samotná žena zdarma

Nemáte žádné takové oblečení v šatníku? Nevadí do clubu vás pustíme i tak. doporučené oblečení je pouze inspirace.

V ceně vstupného máte welcome drink Prosecco.

(Platí při plném vstupném, ne při využití konzumace

Do you like nudity or do you like showing your body? Or do you like to show how beautiful your partner is? Then this party is for you.
Recommended clothing for women is nudity and nice high-heeled shoes.
For men, we recommend dress pants, a shirt, a tie or a bow tie.

Entrance fee:

A couple of 500 CZK

In the event that the lady moves completely naked throughout the visit (only heels are allowed), the entire entrance fee, i.e. CZK 500, will be deducted from the consumption ticket. It therefore has free admission.

Single man CZK 700 (CZK 200 can be deducted from the entrance fee if you arrive before 10 p.m. in the recommended clothing)

Alone woman free

Don't you have any such clothes in your wardrobe? It doesn't matter, we'll let you into the club anyway. recommended clothing is for inspiration only.

The entrance fee includes a welcome drink Prosecco.

(Applies to full admission, not consumption


Without registrationWith registration
on JOYclub
For Premium
In the event that the lady moves completely naked throughout the visit (only heels are allowed), the entire entrance fee, i.e. CZK 500, will be deducted from the consumption ticket. It therefore has free admission.
The registration deadline has passed. No further registrations are possible.

NOTE: The respective organiser is solely responsible for the event. Data and content are based on information provided by the organiser without guarantee of accuracy and completeness. Additional costs may be incurred for the full use of all services.

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