First impression

*********ffolk Couple
11 Posts
1 - What is the quality of their photos as primarily that is what we are on here for because there are so few Joy members near us there is little point in checking whether they are a suitable match to meet with.

2 - Also check if they are verified.

3 - Don't really look at male profiles, just female and couple profiles.
*********onfly Woman
78 Posts
foto)))) *wink*
Nice looking.... Swett..... And dearfull girl.... Thats my thoughts.....
1. Pics
2. Description
3. Sexual interests
**********aison Man
372 Posts
Obviously... I notice the profile picture straight away.

1.) Location - Although in some cases that is not a factor.
2.) Description: Are they friendly? Do they seem fun? Do they seem nice? Do they seem smart?
3.) Sexual Likes/Dislikes
4.) Age

• Are they verified -
*******rgr Man
1 Posts
*****Guy Man
31 Posts
1. Profile description.
2. Location
3. Age
4. Photos, if there are any *g*
*********nwood Woman
163 Posts
*huhu* I´ve just done the practical test... *stolzbin*

1. Personal motto
2. Pics
3. Zodiac sign *augenzu* *smile*
5. Sexual orientation
4. Sexual preferences
On the Job!
********jekt Man
14 Posts
At least I am not the only one that looks at the Zodiac sign *g*
That goes for me, too. First thing I do is scroll down to the box where age, height, weight, location and zodiac sign are given. Sometimes, just for the fun of it, I read the profile text and ask myself: Which zodiac sign must I deduce from what I gathered here? and scroll down after I made my guess. Remarkably, I almost always recognize a Leo. Being an Aries, it's quite pointless for me to contact a Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius. And what the powers of the universe had in mind when they created the sign Scorpio escapes my comprehension entirely. Please! No offence meant. I would very much like the participants of this discussion NOT to make a subthread from what I said now that asks whether all this is esoteric mumbo-jumbo or not. It's just my personal opinion derived from sometimes bitter experiences.
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