In tantra, our genitals are treated as powerful tools of creation that they are. Giving them proper attention can teach us a lot about our bodies and forces of life.
Lingam, (Sanskrit: "sign" or "distinguishing symbol") also spelled linga, refers to the penis. In Hinduism it is a votary object that symbolizes the god Shiva and is revered as an emblem of generative power.
Sygulska Tenner
She’s also a deeply spiritual being. She’s just launched her first business book, "Laid Bare: what the business leader learnt from the stripper".
Margot Zwiefka
She takes joy in supporting people on their paths towards greater freedom, self-discovery and courageous living. Her work and art are infused with shamanic perspective of the world, creating bridges to the realm of spirit and bringing back inspiration and new ways of seeing our lives.
Instagram: @templesoferos
Facebook: @templesoferos
Lingam is often portrayed as a smooth cylindrical mass. Often it rests in the centre of a lipped, disk-shaped object, the yoni, which is an emblem of the goddess Shakti and has been interpreted to literally mean the "womb", the "source", and the female organs of generation (such as vagina, vulva, uterus).
Practicing Hindus consider the lingam and yoni to symbolize the union of the male and female principles and the totality of all existence. Together, they stand for the merging of microcosmos and macrocosmos, the divine eternal process of creation and regeneration, and the union of the feminine and the masculine that recreates all of existence.
What do the origins of these terms mean for modern students of tantra and other sexual practices? Crucially, they bring sexuality right back to its connection with spirituality and divinity, which is what we explore in all sorts of ways in a community I co-founded, Temples of Eros.
Watch our video about Yoni & Lingam:
When we share our sexual life force (Eros) – regardless of our gender identity and the appearance of our genitals – with another being or beings, something significant happens not purely on a level of a physical experience. We effectively participate in Yoga of Creation, regardless of whether any physical creation (of a human baby) takes place or not. Our genitals are indeed sacred. They channel life force which connects us to the consciousness of the Universe, whether we choose to tap into it or ignore it.
If you happen to be on a spiritual/seeking path, self pleasuring and having sex can be incredibly rich and potent practices. They allow you to connect to self, another and the entirety of everything that exists.
Lingams, yonis – and genitals in all of their diverse forms – can become our oracles where we seek wisdom and guidance. Regina Thomashauer in her book "Pussy. A reclamation" recommends to women to tune into what their genitals feel in response to a particular question. When I first discovered this practice I couldn’t really connect to it. It was hard to hear my yoni "speak" and hard to believe she had meaningful things to say on subjects not remotely related to sexuality.
These days I trust my sex as one of the key inner voices, alongside head, heart and gut, when making all sorts of important decisions and tuning into potential outcomes of them. I’m not necessarily looking for a state of sexual arousal when asking my yoni questions. What I am tuning into, though, are the energies and sensations present there. There always are some if we have practised our ability of tuning into our bodies.
I also trust my yoni, of course, in a purely sexual context. If she’s not wet or fully aroused I know the wisdom of my body is telling me to not engage in any form of genital sexual contact (this is different to healing contact such as a tantric massage). If she’s on fire while connecting with someone I wouldn’t find attractive in terms of personal preferences, that’s also an important sign. Ultimately, I can sense my sexual wellbeing – and overall wellbeing – through the connection to my genitals.
I hope your journey of connection to your sex in all sorts of ways brings a lot of beauty, innocence and richness of experience. There are not many other parts of the body which are so generously equipped, so sensitive and so crucial in our journey through life as humans.
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