Look at my Art: Tattoos and Piercings - what do you see?

***fz Man
10,350 Posts
Thread creator 
Look at my Art: Tattoos and Piercings - what do you see?
Tattoos, piercings, body modification - the desire for the noticeable changes to our body remains unbroken. Tattooed people belong more and more to the everyday picture and many professions open themselves to body art. Old stereotypes are slowly being torn down and the art is constantly being refined.

  • Are you tattooed or pierced? Why? What made you want to decorate your body?
  • What do your tattoos and piercings say? Are they just beautiful or do they have a special meaning?
  • Are tattooed or pierced people more or less attractive to you - or does that have no influence on you, at all?

Best wishes
I grew up in a cult!!!! When I decided to get tattoos, I was rebelling against what I’ve been taught since I was a child. It turned out to be freedom.com
*******unn Woman
5 Posts
a little tattoo on my right shoulder:
it's telling some details of my lifestory...~~
*********terna Woman
14 Posts
I have words on both my feet which are things I need to remember. Both were gotten after major life events. I want a rising Phoenix across my back, but I am debating when I will get it. I am American and there are places in the US where people who have tattoos are still discriminated against for jobs.
***fz Man
10,350 Posts
Thread creator 
If you get it on your back, you can always adjust your clothing. I asked myself, when I got mine, whether I wanted jobs that don't accept me with tattoos and, lo and behold, there aren't many I would do that for and none are in reach for me anyways.

I would love to see your Phoenix someday.
*********terna Woman
14 Posts
Thanks! I’m an academic without a permanent job and I might be stuck in some places in America that aren’t all that accepting. However, Germany has some amazing tattoo artists so I am considering it.
***fz Man
10,350 Posts
Thread creator 
I’m an academic without a permanent job

Believe me, I know what that feels like. *roll*

Maybe someone here has a recommendation for you in your area.
****ie Man
1 Posts
I have 6 tattoos (about 30 in total)
both Arms fully done
Both side of my ribs done
A huge Norse piece on my Back
AND my ankle done

Also have my Septum pierced.

Each and every tattoo tells a story, or memory from my life.
*********terna Woman
14 Posts
Narfz, Are you also an academic?
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