Do you pee while showering?

Do you pee while showering?

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*******dy38 Man
31 Posts
Thread creator 
Do you pee while showering?
When I was a little boy I came to the shower, the idea to simply pee in the tub instead of the toilet. At first I did not dare, but on the 4th attempt it worked. I was allowed to cry alone after bathing and stood in the bathtub, roared off and peed against the tiles on the wall. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to swim again the next day to pee again while showering on the wall.

From now on, I always peed while showering in the shower / bath and until today I have not stopped. Of course, I did not live alone at the time, so other family members used the bath too. When I visit friends, relatives, etc. today, and I have a shower, I behave the same way. I just pee in the shower while taking a shower.

As children, we all certainly did. I wonder if and when others have stopped. I think a lot of people still do that for sure. I paid attention to someone showering for how long they had not been to the bathroom before and if I could hear the flushing of the toilet before he / she gets under the shower.

How is that with you? Do you also pee while showering? If so, you only do that when you are at home with you, or do you also pee in the shower when you shower with other people in their shower at home? Do you find that bad when others take a shower at home and pee in the shower?

LG Andy
Sry, this questionnaire needs to be redone *lol*


Ps: peeing is a natural act *lol*
*****uja Woman
2,472 Posts
Sure I do sometimes. But not because it causes a particular pleasure. Just because it sometimes happens that I need to pee while showering. Then I don’t think it necessary to leave the tub and go to the toilet wet as I am, but simply let it run down. And urin is instantly washed away by the running water. *nixweiss*
The uric acid can help get rid of athlete's foot, too.
*******ull Man
6 Posts
Quote from ******Sir:
The uric acid can help get rid of athlete's foot, too.
The ancient Romans believed that urine could cleanse their mouths and whiten their teeth.
Quote from *******ull:
Quote from ******Sir:
The uric acid can help get rid of athlete's foot, too.
The ancient Romans believed that urine could cleanse their mouths and whiten their teeth.

So does the wife.

If we happen to shower together in the morning we will both pee in the shower.
*********ard12 Man
68 Posts
Not done it. But nothing against doing it. I think i will do if I have to
Widerlich. Beispiel für eine niedrige Hygiene ..
I pee when I need to pee, sometimes in the shower.

Sometimes I pee on slaves, when they like it.

Sometimes in the woods.

Sometimes in a pool.

Sometimes in the ocean, sea or lake.

Once behind a car on a Main Street in Berlin.

In a urinal (ass first)

In a sink ( also ass first)

In a garbage can filled with used paper towels in a pulsating techno club with a long bathroom line.
****la Man
44 Posts
Quote from *******Lady:
In a garbage can filled with used paper towels ....

very creative solution in a dire situation... *lach*

It all really boils down to 2 types of people.
1. People that pee in the shower
2. Dirty little liars

Being human, and having had some experience in the field of urinating, and I would argue
that I do not believe there to be a person on this planet that has not reacted to contact with water, by letting a little of their own water reservoir, expel from their body... regardless of the circumstance.

As for the frequency, I would say moderation is key. If you pee in the shower every time you shower, I would say you might have a fetish.

The last part, and probably a moral value, would be the location of this act, and here I pose common courtesy as a guide. Just because you do this or that at home does not mean you can do the same at someone else's house.

Seriously, the smell of urine is not something pleasant. If you like it however, then you definitely have a fetish.
If you are not sure what I mean, please visit your local pub, on a busy night, close to midnight, in the mens.... urinal division.

so in the end I can say this:
yes I pee in the shower on occasion (at home), but I prefer to pee in the toilet, and I would not pee in a friends shower, to me that is just rude.
There is no "I always shower when I pee" option! *ggg*
I did sometime when it was necessary but not often
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