Erotic Sex Games

*******over Man
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Erotic Sex Games
Has anyone watched the sex game show from Inflagranti at Culture Houz, Popp Oder Hopp?
If so, then what does anyone think of this scenario : What about a game with about 5 couples. They are blindfolded, hands tied. A lady helper will assist each man so he can find the proper entry point. The couples are randomly mixed up so no one knows the order of whom they are going to be partnered with. No speaking is allowed. The men line up providing cunnilingus the fucking all of the ladies. Each get 3- 5 minutes of licking then 3 to 5 minutes of fucking. They continue down the lines until everyone has experienced everyone else. Afterwards each man and lady can ask for a repeat from one of the men or lady who they might think is their partner. Then secretly each lady and man lists the number in order of likelihood that they believe is their partner. The couple who come closest to guessing each other receive a prize?
*****d79 Couple
542 Posts
Never seen the Game Show, but does sound interesting.
I can understand the "kick" for other people, but not a scenario that would interest us.
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