Miss Greenwood's Sonnet

*********nwood Woman
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Miss Greenwood's Sonnet
Miss Greenwood's Sonnet

The petals fall down to the ground.
Finally it's the peace I've found.
Sweet cherry blossoms blow away the pain.
The emotions no longer trapped in chain.

For too long I wanted me to be thine.
Far too long I needed thee to be mine.
Hopes and dreams are definitely not worth the pain.
Poems and letters don't alleviate the strain.

Way too long thought it must be thou.
That thou're the one who'd disavow.
That thou're the one disallowing my love.
Hence I kept waiting and trying to prove.

Although I actually truly love thee so.
The decision is to simply let thee go.

© Miss Greenwood *blume* (July 2021)


This is a playful emulation of William Shakespeare's pentameter style and Christopher Marlowe's tetrameter style. Also, first attempt at using some Early Modern English vocabulary in it. *augenzu* *lach*
Hope you like it. *g*

*herz2* In loving and grateful memory of these two great English playwrights. *herz2*
*********abel Man
1 Posts
Sound seems like your voice
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