Sex shows in Hamburg Germany.

*******955 Man
3 Posts
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Sex shows in Hamburg Germany.
Does anyone know where a couple can watch live sex shows in Hamburg? Would it be available and where would it be available.

Thank you
Wish you all a wonderful Sunday 😀
****nas Man
528 Posts
I lived in Hamburg most of my life. Unfortunately, they shut down all the live sex shows one by one over the years.

The last place that had them was the Safari. But it closed in 2014.

These shows were concentrated on Reeperbahn and Große Freiheit (a side-street of Reeperbahn). What's left now are "show bars" where you can buy expensive drinks served by slightly less than usual dressed women who may or may not put on a bit of a striptease show, and the old striptease bars. I would recommend neither of them, as everything I heard about them has been negative.
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