3 majom club in Szeged experiences?

********ejan Couple
32 Posts
Thread creator 
3 majom club in Szeged experiences?
We find some swingers club in Szeged, Hungary, and we have plan top visit it next weekend , but we dont have no informations about club and people inside. Is there someone who visited this club before?
********Wega Couple
2 Posts
Hi! Its not an too quality place... better to visit the Club TikTak by Budapest.
****aif Couple
25 Posts
Both clubs Tik-Tak and 3Majom is trash, completely waste of time and money.
Had been there a lot. Tiktak is more popular and visited by foreigners. If u are lucky u can meet German or Dutch couple with High stamina. Otherwise hungarian couple not like foreigners.
-3majom is a small local club. Last visit, we was, 2 other couple, 1 poor ugly guy and 2 bartender 😢.
Keep in mind, we speak native hungarian, and is really hard to find someone now a day's.
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
LMAO ! So Hugarians do not like foreigners. Sounds a bit like the situation in Austria. Thank God there are many foreigners that visit the clubs and do not waste their time in endless conversations and drinking.
****aif Couple
25 Posts
Well, we was few times in Wien, lovely 😍 people and high stamina.
Hungary is the opposite.
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
Have no opinion about "Made in Hungary" lifestyle but situation in Vienna needs serious improvement both with the people attitude and the quality of the available clubs. I do compare with a few other countries both in Europe and in the USA.
****aif Couple
25 Posts
People's attitude is major problem in each country. Lots of curious people.
Than Sweden and Denmark are the worst.
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
No maybe. We judge based only on our multiple experiences. The German types are known as being not the most communicative types. In Vienna the typical Austrians are not internationally minded people and nearly all great fun was with foreign people. Uncomplicated and open minded couples. Sweden and Denmark are also "Germanoid" types so it is the same. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule but we are talking about the majority ! As you said it is about people's attitude and mentality : how they describe what they like and not like is comic. In the USA....people go to these clubs knowing that people want to have fun, accept each other the way they are and that everything starts in the head and the personality. If people think they are models well....models belong in other places....or if people make a big deal about being sporty....then they can go prepare for the next Olympics. I am sure you understand the point here.
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
No problem with border checks in Hungar. The first responsibility of a government is to protect and defend the homeland. Safe country is a top priority.
********ejan Couple
32 Posts
Thread creator 
Thanks for answers, we decide not to go there.. We have experience in Tik Tak club Budapest, and we have fun, but for ourselwes, no one said a word to us for a whole night . We dont know is it because we are strangers, but in Croatian clubs situation is very different, lots of people want to play with us...
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
Hi ! It is all about culture and the social skills of people. In Austria you find similarities with Hungary and Germany. Mostly anti sociable behavior. Balkans is almost the opposite. People want to have some good sex and fun. *top*
********ejan Couple
32 Posts
Thread creator 
Yes we are shure you got real answer! but we will keep trying.
********Wega Couple
2 Posts
I think it is very sad that you have such bad experiences with Hungarian swingers. *snief*
We regularly organize private swinger house parties and many foreigners come to us, whom we always welcome and love every guest and they also love our parties. *g*
Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, German, Norwegian, Slovak, Romanian, Czech, Serbian, French guests come to us and we always have a huge party together.
We are not interested in political bullshit and stereotypes. *zwinker*
"To be open-mind" is important to us in the swinger lifestyle. We organize the festival with this attitude as well!
********ejan Couple
32 Posts
Thread creator 
OK thanks, we will contact you when we go to Hungary again, so maybe we can different toughts about Hungarians *g*
**********r2020 Couple
27 Posts
Everybody has a right to an opinion based on personal experiences. We are in all in here having agreed to disagree sometimes…but life is too short to waste it if the people around us make us feel good and we make them feel..better !
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