A story without words...An Ode to Cunnilingus

*******Wolf Man
21 Posts
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A story without words...An Ode to Cunnilingus
Let me tell you a story with my tongue.
Let me write my words upon you.
Make you feel every syllable.
Let me breathe my words between your legs and force your mind to read my motions like a blind man reads braille.
Let me speak in art upon you.
Make brush strokes to a masterpiece.
Let me write a symphony upon you that rises and swells and creates harmony from the melody of our motion.
Let me touch you in a way that shows you how I feel.
A kiss on the lips that you hide from others.
This is the story I want to write.
Until you scream without breath ...the end.
********ante Man
1 Posts
No forked tongue
Can ever get to the point
Like taste buds blossom
Curled at the leaf tip
Red with pleasure
The valley of desire.
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