Yes, I am a Dominant. (And it isn't about spanking)

*******Wolf Man
21 Posts
Thread creator 
Yes, I am a Dominant. (And it isn't about spanking)
Yes. I am Dominant.
When I wake in the morning,
My first thought isn't that I want to fuck you.
I wonder how well you slept.

When I reach out to you for the first contact of our day,
I don't tell you what to do for me.
I remind you to make your bed because it is good for you.

When I reach out during the day
I don't give you a task as my first thought.
I remind you to drink your water.

When I see you
I don't take everything off,
push you down,
make you kneel
and tell you what I will do to you.
First, I remind you that I am grateful for our time.

When I say goodnight
and remind you that you are mine
It isn't for what I can take from you.
It is what I can give you so that you will be able to sleep.

Everything else...
You will give me everything else I need
because I give you those things first.
******ois Couple
36 Posts
This right here is pure gold
*********olate Woman
21 Posts
Love this!
Yeah, that'll do it.
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