How We Love Our /s (Learning to be beyond sex)

*******Wolf Man
21 Posts
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How We Love Our /s (Learning to be beyond sex)
Hold My Hand
When it feels like the dawn is breaking
and the night is falling on you,
hold my hand.

When it seems like the lightning is crashing
or the thunder is rolling over you,
hold my hand.

When it feels like the waves are breaking
and the tide is pulling you down,
hold my hand.

Hold my hand

Until the sun begins to rise for you again
and the night settles gently upon you.

Hold my hand

Until the lightning and the thunder
make you want to run through the raindrops.

Hold my hand

Until you are strong enough to dive back into the ocean.

And when you rise,
dripping and smiling,
breathless and powerful again...

Come hold my hand.
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