Karneval in NRW.

**********aison Man
372 Posts
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Karneval in NRW.
Karneval can be very exciting in NRW.
With events happening all over from parties to parades.

Altweiber is one of the wildest nights happening this year on February 16th.
Köln and Düsseldorf tend to get pretty wild.
I prefer Düsseldorf for Altweiber, but I have also been out in Köln.

Over the weekend are private parties and parties in clubs. On Sunday in Düsseldorf there is a street party on Königsallee... weather permitting.

Monday is Rosenmontag is when the parades take place in both Köln and Düsseldorf... again weather permitting. I have seen the parade rescheduled twice due to storms. I prefer the parade in Köln.

I highly recommend costumes for those who go out.

Please Note:
This is not a date request. I posted about Karneval a few days ago and it was removed. They said it was a date post but was only an info post about Karneval. So I am adding this note for moderators of the forum. I thought it would be nice to share info about Karneval in English for those interested on experiencing it.

Karneval can be really fun, wild and erotic. Have fun!
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