Need a lesson on kink?

*********rial Woman
48 Posts
Thread creator JOY-Team 
Need a lesson on kink?
Practicing kink is not as straight forward as it may sound! If you’re thinking of introducing a kink to your partner and into your sex life, be prepared to go through a process - but don’t be afraid, we’ll walk you through it… *taetschel*

If you’ve seen last week’s livestream with Venus Libido, you might already be a pro in all things kink. If you’ve missed it though (shame on you!), this is your chance to redeem yourself and learn something through this week’s article!

What about you: What is your favourite way to introduce a partner to a new kink, open communication or sneakily sending them an article and hoping they get the hint? And how important is aftercare in your routine?

Let us know and feel free to share your experience *herz2*
*********nots Woman
224 Posts
Great article and a fantastic presentation by Venus, very easy to listen and quite enticing to engage further. Well done! *top*
I am an quite experienced kinkster who doesn't tend to date vanilla anymore but if I would, then I would casually watch a series or film about it and drive the conversation about that later into this direction, or I would arrange other people or friends talk about it in the presence of the partner to endorse a topic of interest. More opinions tend to make a bigger impression! *zwinker*
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