To have no sex for the next thirty-five years

*******rks Man
14 Posts
Thread creator 
To have no sex for the next thirty-five years
The whole quote from the book is:
"... after that sweet birthday fling I was to have no sex for the next thirty-five years."

What are your thoughts on long dry spells? What is "long" for you and how do you keep your (sexual) self-esteem in that situation?

When my last relationship was crumbling, I thought to myself: after this, I get a dog and stop looking for sex! (it's naive, I know, but so am I)
I did get a dog when the relationship broke down, and I didn't care about sex for a few months. But lately I have doubts...

How do priests and nuns do it, for example?
I can imagine living without sex, but then "something else" has to take its place; and it's not a dog! *g*

Happy to read your thoughts on this!

the book: On the Move: A Life, Oliver Sacks
*******ome Man
53 Posts
Longest I've gone was about 1 year. During that time I kept myself busy with personal development, sports, and focused on advancing in my career. The goal was to reach a new level in my life which I did.

After my goal was met and I had more time for fun you best bet I was horny as hell! Had to make up for lost time. But to not have sex for the next thirty five years would seem almost impossible for me.

I wouldn't know what to even replace it with or if that would be even healthy for me. Im also curious to see what everyone else think of this.
*********rlust Couple
312 Posts
Have you ever explored the history of “ hysteria “? From the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s , it was the biggest money- maker for US doctors. At the time medical science believed that sexual frustration caused psychological damage to women, and doctors ‘cures consisted of masturbating women. This treatment gave rise to the sexual toy industry, because of wrist problems among doctors and nurses. Hysteria was scratched as a disease in the fifties, I believe, in part due to the fact that more and more men appeared afflicted. Read Rachel Maine’s “ The Technology of Orgasm”. It is a very enlightening and fun read.
So much for my take on 35 years without sex *witz*
I do acknowledge though, that there a people who are asexual- and are perfectly fine without the pleasures of sex.
PS: I have gone a year without sex , but by the end of that year my shoe heels were so high that I had problems walking. Anyhow I would put my lack of no- sex tolerance at about a month. ( uh I am the female in this couple)
*******brat Woman
1,248 Posts
I am gray asexual with a low libido, so I am very okay without a lot of sex. But I still enjoy intimacy, romance and kink. Those would be hard to forego. A lot of them are very connected to sex for my partners, for a lot of people. So I think I will keep having sex in those contexts but it would not be the element I miss.

I guess I might masturbate after a while, because even low libido still is a libido and otherwise seek other forms of connection and pleasure.
****o55 Man
592 Posts
I meet two womans who had never had sex in their life. When i meet them first massage their bodies oil than i played with their pussy licked their pussy for more than 2 hours giving them many loud orgasmus. Than i had sex with both womans same time. Today they want sex every day
***be Man
28 Posts
That's like telling me to stop eating for 35 years 😂 so.... nope that's nor for me but I do know that they are people out there with no interest in sex and I wonder how they manage that 😠
No description given.
****enx Woman
12 Posts
Great thread!

I'll share.

I was one who picked up on the idea of going celibate after doing too much brain fuck, yoga and having had a collection of unprocessed trauma.

I felt like finding peace in god and spirit was my option, yet I just couldn't avoid lust being focused at me at all times. I'd offer touch, people would get aroused. It freaked me out, but I navigated through.

My ultra high libido took me to place where I'd masturbate 5+ times a day and still didn't feel satiated.

Once I've tried a what's called holistic masturbation and it totally blew my mind. Just a different way of perceiving God...

Now I explore other sides of my powerful femininity (apart from sexuality), which are actual vulnerability, discipline, sensuality and deep trust in the spirit / god in all forms other than celibate.

I figured, that if I attract that much of attention, I might as well benefit from it myself.

I build a business around it. Here on JoyClub i present my art by organising workshops on the subject of full body electricity activation.
In simple terms, I teach touch. Holistic, healing, sensual yet less reactive and lusty.

Some sexual experiences have left me complete empty, leading to more brainfux. So I searched for what would actually make me feel full again?

What would get me to a state of ease. A revelation. Stable state of goodness? And eventually I stopped thinking that sex is something I should avoid for it's Humane and kept on giving in, exploring my own choices and flavours of finally processed trauma, ending in exiting insights.

A good quickie just makes my face glow 🌟 what can I say. Especially if I let myself move and sound as much as I desire.

Now I enjoy every given chance to explore new dimensions with new people, who are attracted to me - be it phisically or mentally.

Or to whom I am attracted.

There's always a deeper connection aside from lust and pleasure which I'm seeking but I guess not everyone is capable of that... Not everyone knows that's an option..?

A true joy that fills is a choice. I do find god in every good f8ck since only recently. And guess what? It's all about the quality, the dialogue, the before and after. The freedom.

Not the safety, but the curiosity to have and be in an Synergetic Energy 'Xchange aka dialogue.

If I'd be given a chance to live in a retreat centre where the whole surrounding would support the idea of telepathy and deep heart connection instead of wet pants, I could potentially do it. Guess even more yoga would be involved 😄

Anyway, tried that, been there. Flying in tantra without even kissing is reality folks.

There's so much more to sex than penetration, however.

Some old people live together -after sex- for 35+ years totally happy and functioning, finding themselves in books, garden care, traveling, grandchildren etc. Music, art and creations, etc.

Boring for some, only option for others.

I have examples, but let's finish here.

Still alive, still exploring! ✨🙌

*********life Woman
198 Posts
2 weeks is a long time to go without sex for me. I take care of self between. I would not abstain by choice.

I’m happy for the people who are asexual and other forms of touch satisfy them. That simply is not for me.
*********nots Woman
212 Posts
Great thread, thanks to issenx to sharing as well as others.
I went through dry patches with a partners who had medical issues. I went rather unhappy and dissatisfied as something important was missing. Our intimacy could not make up for it since it was obviously misbalanced. During therapy after, I learned the term 'Cultivate your desire' which I follow since. Being in tune with your sexuality fulfilling your desire, even with yourself, mades one happy and complete. Radiance, better self esteem and better mood is what followed for me *g* *top2*
So no celibate for me going forward for the time being in any near future, sex is a too precious thing! *popp*
*******rks Man
14 Posts
Thread creator 
It looks like sex is always preferable to no-sex. Wish isn't surprising to read given the focus of JC *g* *g*

I am convinced that celibacy isn't healthy and that it requires a coping mechanism; Similar to how lifelong incarceration is not healthy and most prisoners learn to cope (?)...
And I wouldn't choose abstinence in any circumstance! It's just that it chose me - for now - and I'm still looking for the way to cope. I have decided not to pay for it (and even a JC subscription mean's "paying for it" in my view) so let's see where it leads or how long I'll stay true to the decision.
Masturbation helps and it can certainly be explored further, but nothing beats smelling another person *g*

I wish we would behave more like bonobos: "...their sexual activity is rather casual and relaxed. It appears to be a completely natural part of their group life." [ ]

Humans left paradise south of the Congo *lol*
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