Talk to me, baby!

*********rial Woman
47 Posts
Thread creator JOY-Team 
Talk to me, baby!
Communication is key - and this also goes for the bedroom!

In our most recent article, Venus Libido laid out her guide for communicating preferences and desires, which is not always as straightforward as it may sound!

Do you think there should be more communication about what's happening in the bedroom? Or are you worried it'll demystify the sexual experience completely?

Let us know down below! *blume*
*******ome Man
53 Posts
There should definitely be more communication in the bedroom especially if you have just begun sleeping with the person. How else would you know what they like and vice versa?

They can be something that totally turns you off and if you don't communicate that then they'll keep doing it to the point where you don't want to sleep with that person.

Obviously the more you sleep with the person and get to know each other sexually you won't need that much communication unless of course you two feel like experimenting with something new.

Communication is an important part in the bedroom especially in the beginning stages of the relationship. Sex is just another form of communication where you express your desire, lust, and love for one another. This is my opinion on the matter.
*********life Woman
200 Posts
Nice article. It was focused on partners but communication is important for sex with the partnerless as well.

Before taking your clothing off, set expectations in a chat or face to face with condom use, foreplay and toy use, BDSM expectations etc.

As a bisexual woman who occasionally sleeps with men, I am seeking penetrative sex using a condom. This does not work for all with a penis and that is ok. This is something that might not be easy to talk about but better before than finding out during that what you wanted from them you will not get.

A man choked me once during sex without discussing it before and I slapped him hard in the face in that moment. He went as limp as overcooked spaghetti. I’m pretty clear in stating “do not try to dominate me as it will not go well for you.” I’m happy with balance and don’t need to dominate.

What I do enjoy is reciprocated oral followed by penetration from those with a penis. Some don’t like giving or receiving oral and this is ok. Better to know ahead of time.

When it comes to women, I seem to find myself with some that are shy and I take the lead more and that is ok. Also quite hot. :). It’s also ok to say I am not sure what I want but I’d like to try…

For all sexes and genderless folk there is one rule that is true. Trim and file your nails. Nothing cuts as deep as a hang nail on repeat. Ahhhhhhh no.
*******rks Man
14 Posts
As an introvert, I'm allowed to say: there's no such thing as too much information but there exists "too much communication" *g*

Reading the article I couldn't avoid thinking that it applies to a specific kind of sex/encounter; one where you arrive with your expectations and don't know what are the ones the other party has. Reminds me of work, where I need a contract because the alternative is trust and there's no time to build that: I want your money, client-stranger!
I shall have to try that kind of sex one day.

The kind I tried so far didn't have a direct conversation before about rules and expectations: we got to meet each other, exchange about this and that, and that gives a starting point. Then just be ready for the possibility that the sex might be shitty and go slow and read the damned body language.
This of course assumes one can afford the time to build trust before the throbbing genitals take over executive control *lol* It's a matter of priorities.

In conclusion: more verbal communication? yes, if there's no other option.
Both communication and discussion are important in any relationship, including sexual ones. Talking about what happens in the bedroom can help partners better understand and satisfy each other. This can involve discussing preferences, fantasies, boundaries, comfort levels, and mutual expectations.

However, every couple has their own preferences and privacy boundaries. Some people enjoy discussing their sexual adventures and ideas in detail, while others prefer to maintain more privacy in this area. It's important to find a balance between communication and preserving intimacy.

If your partner is open to discussion, it can enhance trust and intimacy in the relationship. Openness and honesty can make the sexual experience more satisfying as both partners can better understand and satisfy each other.
*********nots Woman
212 Posts
Great article. Makes me realise that I do not use verbal communication enough becauseI rely too much on my non verbal communication assuming it is sufficient. But it is not. In my head it seems to be clear but a partner always needs more clues. Therefore it is very easy to go down a spiral of unsaid things, unfulfilled desires and frustrations what can go on for a long time. So let's snap out of it and talk about it! Thank you @*******bido
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