Sweatpants - the male cleavage?

******der Man
406 Posts
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Sweatpants - the male cleavage?
"Thanks for the sweatpants" or "15 hot guys in grey sweatpants" - that could be a topic found in social media galleries or even in women magazines. The pictures are showing men in tanktops or maybe even topless wearing grey sweatpants for their workout in the gym or their jogging routine. Even though the pants are not tight you can sometimes see that the man "is packing" as the cool kids would say, meaning that you can spot the outline of a huge cock under the fabric.
Some guys probably cannot help it, some are probably counting on it to be seen.
Is the sweatpants bulge like the female cleavage? Are womens eyes drawn to that?
Have any of you guys had a "My eyes are up here, darling"-moments? I'm curious.
*****bye Woman
3,915 Posts

I have to be honest, I love men in gray sweatpants.

It stands out so beautifully...i can see whats ging on... and I love looking!

A fair balance for me!

I understand that men become weak with a beautiful décolleté.

For me it's definitely head cinema.

Of course, the trousers/the guy should have style... and not a "worn-out Gelsenkirchen chav (Proll) with a yellow spot on the front"
******der Man
406 Posts
Thread creator 
This is what we‘re talking about here.
****tte Woman
23,760 Posts
Group moderator 
This is really awesome *love* *wow*
The elastic waist band waiting to be pulled and snapped back.
The drawstrings dancing back and forth.
A hand slowly slipping up the pant leg.

Brings back lots of memories sitting in the back of a school bus riding home late at night after a *victory* victory 😊.
**********kPump Man
4 Posts
Love to go to the shops in joggers
...and look for the sneaked glances haha
Looks bigger because my legs are skinny 😆
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