An event for English speaking couples

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An event for English speaking couples
Dear English-speaking couples,

We have an idea to organize an event for English-speaking couples in Wiesbaden on 10th December with title "Make Love in English Please". We have talked with many people from international backgrounds who had difficulties mixing up because of the language barrier. We want to make it possible for English-speaking people to meet.This is also the idea of this group.

We would like to invite people of all nationalities who speak English to this event. We would love to invite German people too, but only with the condition that they communicate in English. *g*

What do you think of this idea? Please write if you would like to join and give your suggestions! Please let us know if this date is okay for you.

We are looking forward to your response.
It’s really a great idea….
*********ple75 Couple
15 Posts
Yes please! We would be there!
*********iria Couple
1 Posts
We’d consider coming also!
********nd_J Couple
1 Posts
Its a great idea, but it might be better in Frankfurt than Wiesbaden. Just a suggestion.
*******e06 Man
4 Posts
We would love to come!
*****ndD Couple
19 Posts
We are voting for Wiesbaden. Frankfurt *flop*
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