An Event for Desi couples

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An Event for Desi couples
We have an idea to organize an event only for Desi couples. The party will take place in Wiesbaden. I know we all are living in different cities but for such event and have fun with own community you should be able to travel. We have lots of experience in this scene, and that's why we know how much unreliability is there! We need some sort of surety and commitment from participants to organize this kind of event.

Surely this event will be for couples and single women only and no single man will be allowed. We have also long time experience of organizing events, that's why we know how much difficult it is to manage event with single man and most of the couple and specifically woman does not feel good in presence of lots of single horny men.

Please let me know here or via clubmail your ideas and inputs.
Thank you in advance. Looking forward. *g*
***k2 Man
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