Coronation Weekend in May

*********nots Woman
212 Posts
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Coronation Weekend in May
As you know the big Coronation Weekend is happening on the long weekend 6-8th May. 8th is a Bank holiday Monday - Cheers for that! *cheers*
Brace yourself for a hardcore weekend (booked up, expensive, crowded), so if you plan to come into London to visit from abroad I would rather advice against it, but if you are already here or can stay somewhere for free then great!
The Brits divide themselves into 3 groups: Royalists, Anti-Royalists and Don't care- however everybody seems to celebrate in the end anyway... *gg*
So the ideal weekend to celebrate the Crown would include minimum one of the following:
  • A beer in a pub with a garden or outdoor sitting, complimented with a pub lunch (served on Sunday only) Following the action on the TV.

  • A picnic in one of London's amazing parks, on a blanket with a cooler bag full of snacks and drinks like G&T's, Pimms, ciders, with scotch eggs, sandwiches and crisps. Yum!

  • A garden party, for the lucky ones who have a garden- like me. Featuring the same as above but with more comfort.

Of course there are some events taking place, up to date I know of the following:
  • Zara Du Rose 'Kings&Queens' in Brighton on the 5th (full on themed fetish ball)

  • Adonis All dayer on the 8th (quite queer and gay oriented party)

There are certainly more parties which are privately organised and I am not able to share here but do ask if you're at a loose end!
****56 Man
11 Posts
Visiting Harlow tell the 3rd of Mai I will be pleased to get in touch with single women or couples
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