Let's appreciate Dicks!

******fel Woman
1,418 Posts
Thread creator 
Let's appreciate Dicks!
A lot of people like penisses and for every shape and any size there is someone who appreciates it.
A lot of people do like big dicks and some of them opened a new english group about them BigDicks worldwide. So if you too enjoy a big dick or have one and want it appreciated, join the group!

In this thread we want to talk about what you like about dicks, your own or others. No matter the size, talk about what you enjoy and let's not judge others. It's okay to like dicks big and small, so let's talk about what we like.

Also this thread is not about humiliation, but if that is your thing, that's okay too H is for Humiliation.

****tte Woman
23,843 Posts
Thanks a lot to @*******brat for this thread *top*

I'm so happy you cc'd the new group in - of course, this (creating the group) is one of the reasons, because I really love BigDicks.

It's a complete package to me: the look & feel, the silky touch (this is not advertising material *lol*) and to have a really hard, big cock in my hand, in my mouth or in me. *wolke7* A real huge one looks perfect to me comparable with a banana.

I met a few, the most satisfying and perfect one is located at Leipzig, which is also the home of JOYclub - but it's only a coincidence. Or maybe not? *zwinker*

I'm really curious about so many more opinions *dafuer*
*****SFX Man
48 Posts
Too Funny! *lol* But you have to love a woman who loves cock… LMFAO
Profile picture
5 Posts
I find interacting with a penis that I find gorgeous to be rather meditative! Like Lynette said above - the look and feel - I find very absorbing.

Dicks - an excellent tool for mindfulness meditation *gg*
******ado Man
13 Posts
Quote from ****tte:
A real huge one looks perfect to me comparable with a banana.

But bananas come in many different sizes, don't they?
****tte Woman
23,843 Posts
I'm talking about the form, not the size of a banana *zwinker*
*****SFX Man
48 Posts
I have never had complaints about size, I don’t think I will ever have to worry about hearing the words, ‘is it in yet?’ LMAO

But I have been told stories from several women, and women do like to talk about things (probably more than men), about how some men are preoccupied by size. I know from a girlfriend whose girlfriend told her that the guy she was dating had issues with how small his dick is… I sort of thought, was that the right thing to be discussing with a girlfriend. In contrast, I don’t go around talking about how loose a vagina was and its not the sort of conversation I have with anyone else. But girls like to talk about it and good on them for it…

I know my ex wife had previously a ‘bad experience’ prior to dating me… so she decided to rub her ass into my cock during a rock concert, just to make sure… It’s not like we can rub up against a vagina and go, ‘oh yeah, she’s got a tight one’… talk about sexual inequality

When I am in Avarus and enjoying the sauna and spa or if I go to Vabali… I am not really hung up about my penis… I am a grower, not a shower as they say… its not too small, but unlike a lot of guys I see in Avarus feeling they need to rub themselves to get harder, or bigger, I just don’t see the point. It’s like watching a guy in a porn movie who really is not into it… Why force it?

The other misconception I have noticed at Avarus during the chocolate saunas, is some women who are interested in me will start rubbing chocolate stroking my penis. But then, I don’t immediately get hard at their touch, so they sort of uncomfortably stop thinking they are not attractive to me and go for the most aroused cock in the sauna to feel better…

here is a shocking disclosure. I don’t get aroused by someone grabbing my cock and I am not sure I know many women that get aroused by just grabbing their vagina… well some maybe, but that is in a different situation... Just grabbing my cock is not engaging my mind. Had they pressed their body against me, looked at me with fuck me eyes and I kissed them, I would be hard and at a size that I am sure would not disappoint.

Like any woman I have been with, look is not everything, but what you do with it is!
Nice read..
*****ier Man
994 Posts
Agree to my predecessors writing and had similar experience.
Also that most women I met were rather turned on by the look (slight curvy, mushroom head) and feel (soft skin, Hard shaft, prominent vains)
But different strokes, different folks, as you say *zwinker*
*******one Woman
30 Posts
Hmmmm, mushroom tip is very teasty *sweetkiss*
*****ier Man
994 Posts
Hmm, Tasty? I hope you won't bite it *schock* *zwinker*
But love the feeling, when she sucks hard and her lips "snap" over the edge of the head *love3*
Sorry, got carried away *ggg*
****tte Woman
23,843 Posts
*******one Woman
30 Posts
Quote from *****ier:
Hmm, Tasty? I hope you won't bite it *schock* *zwinker*
But love the feeling, when she sucks hard and her lips "snap" over the edge of the head *love3*
Sorry, got carried away *ggg*

If that's what tasty means for you, then have yout fun.
*********igolo Man
98 Posts
I believe many women approching a blowjob are also attracted by the odor… and of course cleanliness is a must. Body odor is an incredible turn on… any comment ladies?
******fel Woman
1,418 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from *********igolo:
I believe many women approching a blowjob are also attracted by the odor… and of course cleanliness is a must. Body odor is an incredible turn on… any comment ladies?

What I did not expect but appreciate is how different trans women smell than men. Looking back on experience with both.
****tte Woman
23,843 Posts
Very exciting statement @*******brat *top* thanks for sharing this with us.

May I ask if you're talking about the smell of the sperm or the skin/outside?
******fel Woman
1,418 Posts
Thread creator 
Quote from ****tte:
Very exciting statement @*******brat *top* thanks for sharing this with us.

May I ask if you're talking about the smell of the sperm or the skin/outside?

Mostly the skin, like it does smell closer to a vagina but not exactly the same. So there is a destinct girl-dick smell.
****ca Woman
425 Posts
funny you should mention talking about dicks:
after knowing just one, finding out about size and form, nature and feel of others was the initial reason I joined this community.
after 12 years of 'research' I must say: I loved every single one of them! *juhu* they all are amazing!
*********igolo Man
98 Posts
Thx @****ca for this statement of love for all dicks in the world, 😅.

Mankind needs more women like you!
******ado Man
13 Posts
Quote from *******brat:
Quote from ****tte:
Very exciting statement @*******brat *top* thanks for sharing this with us.

May I ask if you're talking about the smell of the sperm or the skin/outside?

Mostly the skin, like it does smell closer to a vagina but not exactly the same. So there is a destinct girl-dick smell.

*ggg* Well now you have me wanting to find out what a trans dick smells like!!
******ado Man
13 Posts
So, I'm curious... I don't think I have a particularly oversized dick. It seems to be on the "average to above average" range to me - but I HAVE had a couple girls complain about going too deep in specific positions... which makes me wonder about those who really crave "a big dick"... I can understand how too much can be uncomfortable; but those who want it... what spot is it hitting for you?
*********igolo Man
98 Posts
Very good question @******ado! I can add that I have always been told
I have a good length but an exceptional width … as a Coca Cola can, 😂. Ladies… which spot do I hit?
****ir Man
3 Posts
I would say that even better than loving my dick, which I totally do, is being with a woman who does, like truly does. When she loves the way my dick looks and feels and tastes, when it is clear she really loves enjoying it, that's maybe the biggest turn on, loterally biggest haha
******oop Man
1 Posts
I love women and everything about their bodies not attracted to men but I'll have suck the cock one time bisexual experience with my girlfriend I did enjoy it it's a white cut dick big mushroom head I did it for my girlfriend but it ended up enjoying it so I'm open-minded to that that'd be the only thing I'm not into anal sex or kissing I'm not attracted that man's body at all but I am attracted to a nice cock but I really love women but I just wanted to throw that out there so any couples that might be bisexual or just women alone either way I'm single open-minded
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