G is for Group sex


From Alice_Hunter

When it comes to group sex, there are really only two questions: How to get it, and how to do it well. Humans have participated in group sex in various forms since time immemorial. How do we get a slice of this sexy, historic pie?

You usually have 2 main options:

  • arrange an orgy
  • join a party

Joining a party may often seem the more direct (or perhaps only) route for a newbie, but there are things to consider. Joining a preformed cluster is a sketchy plan you’ll need to hover hoping to be actively invited, and then try to get consent from every participant you wish to make contact with, all the while them being heavily distracted by a sea of hands and other body parts. Best plan at a party is to arrive early and converse in a friendly way with absolutely everyone, so you’ve a better chance of being called in when the action happens (and then you won’t just be the weird creepy stranger standing there).

About the author

Alice Hunter is a swing scene adviser, pick up tutor and satire writer. She runs unicornhunting.blog, is author of Unicorns and How to Hunt Them: your guide to scoring threesomes like a boss, and also writes commissioned and collaborative blog posts for other sites.
Instagram: @unicornhuntingblog
Twitter @unicornhuntingblog
Facebook: unicornhuntingpro

You’ve also a chance of building a vibe with several people, then inviting them all in to play together with you. Goal! You are now the centre of your own orgy.

It should go without saying that taking precautions for safer sex is essential. It is good manners to be regularly tested (and treated) for any STI’s, declare your risk status for any you may have in advance of play so people can make informed decisions, and to always use condoms. Even if you see people in the group playing together without, it should not be assumed that this permission will apply to you. Acts like stealthing (removing a condom without informing the person) or doubledipping (using the same condom with two or more people) is an unnecessary risk for all involved, and should never be done.

Watch our video about Group Sex:

The more structured way to plan group sex is to compile a list of likely people who are attracted to each other and arrange your own soiree. There may be a few new people, but if you have a solid social grounding with some hot couples, men, women, or other gender identities, and know people are likely to play well together, you have a core that can reach critical mass. Make the right environment, with lighting, temperature, food, drink, attractive surroundings, icebreaker activities that encourage physical touch, and things may just snowball in the direction you hoped.

Just ask! May I touch your breasts?

The tricky part with group sex is consent. With so many people, it can be easy to lose track of who is doing what, but everyone wants to feel in control of their experience. If you’ve had time to discuss who wants what (and can touch where) in advance then that’s great, but often there may be a wildcard in the mix. What to do? Just ask! May I touch your breasts? Can I stroke your back? In what will likely become a largely nonverbal pile, a simple soft request to perform an act is both welcomed and a sexy addition.

Give your playmates the sensuous opportunity of multiple hands across their back, chest, buttocks, legs.
Give your playmates the sensuous opportunity of multiple hands across their back, chest, buttocks, legs.

The next consideration is how to make group sex good. Having achieved entry to this hallowed rite, how does one actually enjoy it? It can be surprisingly difficult.

Relatively upright positions are helpful to allow access, missionary is a faux pas.

Whereas most monogamous sex has no need for considerations of geometry, once you add in three or more participants, consideration for others becomes a key factor. Can other people get access to anything? Though the key erogenous zones are numerous, it can be quite easy to hog them all with a poorly positioned body. Have you left your fellow orgy attendee with nothing but a foot in reach? Remember, group sex is not all about penetration. It is about providing a sensual sea of touch and caress.

Relatively upright positions are helpful to allow access, missionary is a faux pas. Don’t deny your playmates the sensuous opportunity of multiple hands across their back, chest, buttocks, legs. The more people can be touching you at once, the better it feels. The easier it is to surrender into complete sensuality.

If you want to be the Roman God (or Goddess) of orgies? Make sure all the participants have a good time. Bacchus smiles upon you.

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G is for Group sex

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You want to join pleasureful parties near by you? Have a look into this party and event recommendations:
The Unseen Lounge | Torture Garden | The Windmill Theatre
Killing Kittens


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